Email Marketing Services

Skyrocket Your Sales with Conversion-Focused Email Marketing

The Most Trusted  Email Marketing Service  

We get hundreds of emails daily but less than 1% make it to our eyes. 

Do you know why? 

Because humans have the shortest attention span. Yes, even shorter than goldfish. 

With tailor-made campaign solutions, I plan, write and send email campaigns that do the magic. 

In the last 2 years, we have successfully run over 500+ Email Campaigns, closing over $10 million in sales. 

What makes my email copywriting stand out?

One Word Answer:  Profitability

And the easiest way to achieve that is with effective email marketing.  Using an out-of-the-box approach, I break the process into 3 simple steps 

  1. Researching your target audience 
  2. Creating an email list 
  3. Running targeted Email campaigns

Let's have a look at each:

  1. Researching Target Audience
    Marketing without research is like food without salt (bland and boring). The first thing I do is hang with my customers and discover what they want.
  2. Creating an email list
    A strong email list of verified prospects is the key to the process. Using advanced tools & tactics, I create email lists that comprise quality prospects, verified addresses and targeted industries. 
  3. Running targeted email campaigns
    Now comes the final step of the plan. With me on the go, you can expect quality, regular and profitable email campaigns for maximum returns. 

Why Choose My Conversion-Focused Email Copywriting?

No random BS-Stuff. Every email I send is backed by strong research, planning and data to ensure results better than the last campaign. 

My email campaigns do magic. For every dollar spent, I expect a return of at least 4x using solid strategies, easy hacks and full-fledged workflows. 

Why Do My Emails Stand Out?

On average, a person receives 55 emails daily and opens only 10% of them.  I tap this opportunity to create a generous space for my emails.  With me, you can expect conversion-focused emails written to increase revenue, and sales and bring better retainer clients on board. I have an eye on every SaaS email marketing service trend going around to ensure you get the best. 

In short, my email marketing services are just as laser-focused as you want them to be. I have the tools, expertise and experience required to make your campaigns a big success. My last email marketing campaign was all about helping a B2B saas solution nurture its email subscribers. I added a creative edge to the campaigns by introducing their SaaS products. The first step was to segment their audience based on interests, demographics and needs. 

We sat together to A/B test two different campaigns with unique changes made to each. After the launch, we were able to achieve an impressive 6% conversion rate with 600+ unique opens.

Ready to Unlock the Power of Profitable Email Campaigns?

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